Chapter 4. Basic Ethics of Employees

LG employees are acting uprightly and making value judgments in accordance to the code of ethics.

Based on strong beliefs in honesty and fairness, LG employees must build righteous values, continuously self-develop and perform their duties in a fair manner to achieve their given mission.

1.Basic Ethics

LG Code of Ethics

  • (1) LG employees take pride in the company and always maintain honesty and fairness.
  • (2) LG employees have a high standard of morality and continuously strive to maintain their personal dignity and the company's honor.

2.Accomplishing Mission

LG Code of Ethics

  • (1) LG employees accomplish their duties in accordance with the visions and policies of the company.
  • (2) LG employees carry out their assigned duties in the best possible and fairest manner while observing relevant laws and regulations.
  • (3) LG employees protect and preserve company property and maintain confidentiality on information gained during employment.
  • (4) LG employees openly communicate and cooperate with colleagues and related departments to enhance work efficiency.


LG Code of Ethics

LG employees understand the meaning of an ideal employee and constantly strive to meet these standards through self-development.

4.Fair Handling of Job

LG Code of Ethics

  • (1) LG employees carry out their duties based on honesty and fairness, always seeking to contribute to fostering a sound business culture.
  • (2) LG employees do not accept any form of financial benefits from stakeholders, which can influence their clear judgment.
  • (3) LG employees do not engage in immoral or unethical behavior, as defined by social norms, in performing their duties or living their personal lives.

5.Avoiding Conflict of Interests with the company

LG Code of Ethics

  • (1) LG employees avoid personal behavior or relationships that are in conflict with company interests.
  • (2) LG employees do not use company property to pursue their personal interests.